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Stitching: The reason why 360° photography exists

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Have you ever heard of the term stitching in photography? If so, you probably know why this method is very important for 360° photography purposes. It can therefore be said that without this method, 360° photography would not exist at all. Why? You can find out all this in this article.

What does the term stitching in photography mean?

I think it would be a good idea to explain what stitching is first. What do you think?

Basically, this is a method where the photographer takes multiple photos of the same space from different angles and then “stitches” (merges) them into one in post-production.

For example, he or she may do this because the whole subject doesn’t fit in the frame, so photographer only photographs the individual parts separately. And later on, they’ll link them into one.

Stitching 6 image to create a 360° photo of castle

Another example might be that the first photo captures a particular section in detail. And the other photos add to the overall atmosphere. The resulting photo will gain much more quality and sophistication.

There are of course many more reasons why a photographer might use this method. But I think these have sufficiently served to explain how the method works.

The importance of the stitching method for shooting 360° photos

Wait, but why is this method so important for shooting 360° photos?

Do you think that a professional 360° photographers without “stitching” can capture the whole space (360° view) with one photo?

Hmm …. What do you think?

Yes, you’re right, they can’t.

No photographer can do that, no matter what camera they use.

When you think about it, 360° photos are nothing more than many photos combined into one.

With a conventional camera, no photographer can capture the entire space in one photo without using the stitching method. None!

This method allows photographers to merge several photos together and expand the space captured by the photo.

So if we merge enough photos, we get a 360° view. The result is a 360° photo.

And that’s why this method is extremely important when creating 360° photos.

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My name is Antonín Lipták and as a passionate 360° photographer and bespoke virtual tour creator, I help businesses with beautiful spaces to be more seen in a digital word.

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