

Business Information

Antonín Lipták
Feřtekova 538/25, Prague-8, Bohnice, Czech Republic
Identification number: 09166823
Fyzická osoba zapsaná v Živnostenském rejstříku v Praze 8 od 19.6.2020.

Contact Information

Related with new project or partnership: antonin.liptak@liptak.cz

+420 721 423 761

Questions and 360° gallery: info@aivju.space

Follow aivju.space

Contact us and get a free consultation with Antonín to find out if we are great fit.

We probably are great fit if:

  • you want to create more value to your visitors and make the decision process easier.
  • your company has beautiful spaces.
  • and you want to showcase the business to the world and be visible online.
Virtual tour creator Antonín Lipták with DSLR camera on orange background

How does the process from contacting to delivering final outputs look like?

You can contact us via email address, LinkedIN (here) or Instagram (here).

Contacting the creators

The meeting can take place as a personal meeting or as an online meeting.

TIP: Personal is always preferred due to the possibility to explore the given space that will be photographed.

Arranging a meeting

Based on your time options and the possibilities of the given space, we will agree together on the date of shooting 360° content (360° photos, 360° videos, etc.).

We understand that in lot of cases the photo shooting have to be set to early or late hours so that the space is not crowded.

Day of the photo shoot. Finally 🙂

In this phase mainly editing and stitching photos is made.

Duration of the process depend on the numbers of photos and type of editing preferences.

Post processing

Only after understanding the aim of the project, virtual tour can be created. Never before.
Our virtual tours can be fully customizable according to clients preferences (including brand identity, custom navigation or CTA buttons etc.).

Virtual tour creation

We will sent you the outputs for approval so that is suit your preferences and we can deliver agreed results.


We will deliver the project on time and with all customization we agreed on.

Bundle alway includes a guide of implementation of the virtual tour (or you can let us do the web implementation).

Project delivery

It is recommended to measure the effectiveness of the virtual tour.

We move with the times and therefore use Google Analytics 4.

Results of the project

Why you should work with us?

We create every single virtual tour according to my clients preferences and needs, so that the final output is in their best interest.

Virtual tours are for people to see and that is why we help businesses with promotion of the virtual tour. So that more people can fall in love with the space even before visiting in person.

How long does it take to create a virtual tour from start to finish?

We believe that every project is different and that is the beautiful thing about it. Evvery client have different preferences and gols and we craft the virtual solution according to it.

Some projects can take 1 week, some even up to 2 month with all the customization, CMS a analytics included.

Contact us with more information about your project and receive more accurate answer.

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