
Not sure if our services are for you?

We offer a trial 360° photoshoot on our first meeting totally for free.

So, if you like our 360° photos, we can continue the project with a virtual tour and If you don’t like them, you won’t pay a cent.


Interested about 360° photography or virtual tour creation? Yes?

Virtual tour on business card: Is it worth it?

Even though virtual tours are digital products mostly used as a marketing and sales tool in online communication you can use it also on print. And to be honest, maybe you even should. Why? Because virtual tour is a tool that if created correctly can be really powerful. But it can be powerful only if people will use it. If no marketing is done, virtual tours can ‘t reach the maximum value for the company. 

It is the same with a business having the best offer on the market, but if no one knows about this great offer, no one will buy it. None.

When we work with our clients, we always tell them that the virtual tour will be effective only if the virtual tour is helping the users solve their problems and if marketing of 360° content is done.

A virtual tour should not be about being pretty but about solving business problems.” – Antonín Lipták

If your company has a beautiful space which you want to show to your clients but somehow it is not possible, or it is too expensive or difficult. A virtual tour can help you solve that problem (this is one of the many problems that a virtual tour can solve).

The virtual tour needs to be seen and used by the users (potential clients) to be effective.

Business card with a virtual tour

One of the ways how you can show your space with a virtual tour is via a business card.

Yes, on a business card. You heard that right.

Have you seen some business cards with a virtual tour on it?

Maybe, but most of you probably did not. Yet!

Example of how business card with a virtual tour can look like for hotel use case

Nevertheless, it is a great opportunity how to attract new business possibilities.

Why? Because classic business cards include only name, company name, and contact information—nothing more and nothing less.

But your business card can provide them more value by showing your beautiful spaces on the spot.

Isn’t that great?

Your business card can speak for your business and let them explore your business spaces from anywhere in the world. With the benefit that your clients will most likely remember you, your company, and your business card.

How does it work?

Well, it is easy to understand. To show a virtual tour on a business card, you need to add a QR code or some type of website link that goes to the website where your virtual tour is stored.

Imagine that your customers can find your virtual tour which showcases your business (let‘s say we are talking about a hotel called Abcd) on the link.


You can put this link on the business card and let your potential clients type this exact link on their smartphones or laptops. 

Or you can use a QR code that clients can scan with smartphones and the scan will forward them to your website (www.abcdhotel.com/virtual-tour).

To do that, you can create your own QR codes or use some QR code generator that you can find online.

Such as:




Btw these are just a few websites listed, you can use whatever QR generator you choose.

PRO TIP: To track your results from your business card, you can add UTM parameters at the end of the link and you will be able to track how many clients went on your website through your business card

What can my business card look like?

Your business card can look like you want it in terms of materials, colors, font, design typography, icons, size, and so on.

Important is to leave a space for the link or QR code.

PRO TIP: We recommend a QR code because it is easier for the clients to reach the virtual tour. Also, if using the QR code, put it on a solid color with high contrast and padding. It will be easier for smartphones to catch it.

Feel free to adjust your business card according to your business goals and branding 🙂

Antonín Lipták
Antonín Lipták

My name is Antonín Lipták and as a passionate 360° photographer and bespoke virtual tour creator, I help businesses with beautiful spaces to be more seen in a digital world.

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