
Interested about 360° photography or virtual tour creation? Yes?

What are 360° cameras and why photographers use them?

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Cameras are useful. We do not have to argue about that. But did you know that in the world does exists one type of camera which is specifically super useful to capture places and spaces? It is called 360° cameras and this article will be just about them.

Introduction: What are 360° cameras and how do they work?

So, before why dive into how 360° cameras work and why they are useful in some situations? Let’s understand what they are. Shall we?

I think that anyone knows what a classic camera looks like, right? Every camera has a body and lens so it can capture a single viewport. 360° cameras are not different but with one big difference. That 360° camera can capture entire surroundings in just one single shot.


Well, because these 360° cameras have multiple lenses attached to them at different angles. So, when the photographer presses the shutter button, the camera takes photos or video from every single lens. And if we stitch (combine) these pictures (videos) together, we get an immersive 360° experience.

Have to say that some cameras even have built-in stitching software, so making 360° content is even easier.

How can someone take a 360° photo or video?

Wait, so if I want to take a 360° photo or video I need to have a 360° camera?

Short answer: No, you do not have to.

There are more alternatives to how you can create awesome 360° content. Such as:

1.         Using your smartphone with panoramic mode enabled. Panoramic feature? What it is? A feature that helps you capture multiple images as you slowly rotate your phone, which can be stitched together afterward.

mobile phone as 360° camera for creating virtual tours

2.         Using a DSLR or Mirrorless camera to capture 360° content. The point is to find a „no-parallax point“ and from there capture numerous pictures in different directions. Photos have to overlap at least a little bit to be able to stitch afterward in stitching software like PtGui. Also have to mention that this method requires more time and knowledge than other techniques, but brings the best results.

a professional virtual tour creator taking a 360° photo

What are the real advantages of using 360° Cameras?

Someone could ask then why photographers use 360° cameras in the first place. And it will be a valid point at first because 360° cameras can take just 360° photos or 360° videos, nothing more. And also in the majority of cases 360° cameras deliver lower picture quality than content created by DSLR or Mirrorless cameras.

So why anyone would buy and use them, right?

There are numerous reasons why. Numerous.

These are just a couple of them which are crucial.

1.         Speed of taking 360° photos

Although the picture quality will not be the best in most cases, taking 360° content with 360° cameras saves a lot of time compared to shooting with a professional 360° DSLR setup. Why? With DSLR photographer needs to bring and get ready the stative, panoramic head on top and the camera with its settings. Then you have to take numerous photos from different directions. So it is possible to stitch them later on.

But with 360° cameras sometimes you even do not need a stative to take the picture. But still, if you use stative, just one click after setting the mode will create the 360° photo. No need to direct your camera in a different direction. No need to take more photos. 360° cameras take a photo with all the lenses automatically.

2.         Easier to stitch the 360° content together

360° cameras take just one click to create one 360° photo, but DSLRs have to take numerous photos to create one 360° photo. How much? Sometimes it can be 10, other times it can be 256 for example. With a larger amount of photos, it takes a long time to stitch.

3.         Capture an exact moment or memory with 360° cameras

I already mentioned that setting up the camera with the equipment takes some time. But what if you don’t have time? Want to just capture this special moment. DSLR cameras are not the way to go here. With 360° cameras, you can just turn on a click to capture the entire surroundings with its current objects or people. You will not miss another memory captured as a 360° photo.

With a 360° camera, you can capture this entire scene and transport anyone who views your photo or video to that exact moment. They will be able to look around as if they were standing right there with you.

4.         Another reason is the weight of the camera.

Most available 360° cameras are small and light-weight. So, it is the perfect camera for traveling or just hanging out with your friends. Warning, some 360° cameras do not have to be small or light-weight (like frequently used Materport Pro 2 or legend Insta360 Titan).

5.         360° cameras can capture small spaces much better.

Small 360° cameras can be put into spaces where bigger cameras would not fit properly. An example of this is capturing 360° photos of the car interior for example.

No Garden Gnome Package selected!

Are 360° cameras for me? Maybe.

Of course, it does depend on the usage which you are planning to do with it. But let’s face it, 360° cameras are not anymore just limited to professional photographers. 360° cameras have become over the time more affordable and user-friendly, making them accessible to a wider audience (cameras like Insta One X2 or X3, or my personal favorite Ricoh Theta Z1).

Whether you’re a travel enthusiast looking to document your adventures, a vlogger wanting to create immersive content, a virtual tour creator, or simply someone who wants to capture special moments uniquely, these cameras provide an excellent tool for creative expression.

How do professional photographers use their 360° Cameras?

Photography is useful to businesses because it can capture a specific atmosphere, space, people, or just the vibe of the object and connect with the viewer. With 360° photos is no different. Photographers create value for the client, so that client will pay for their services.

360° cameras can be useful for creating value because they save a lot of time and money for the client. They can be used for capturing 360° photos of the client space, creating a virtual tour, capturing moments or just telling a story.

•          VIRTUAL TOURS with 360° cameras

Creating a virtual tour with a 360° camera is one of the high-value services that can photographers bring to the business. Capturing a 360° view of the business space can help visitors explore the space even before visiting in person.

5 Important Benefits of having a Business Virtual tour

•          EVENTS

Another valuable way to help businesses is to document their events and capture a whole atmosphere. By capturing moments from every angle (360°), photographers can bring viewers from around the world back to the scene, allowing them to explore the event as if they were truly there. From concerts to weddings, 360° cameras add a touch of magic to any occasion.

•          360° STORY-TELLING

Not just traditional cameras, but also 360-cameras have become popular in journalism and storytelling. Photographers may boost their storytelling by offering viewers an in-depth understanding of the scene by capturing images with an entire field of view (360° view).

Imagine reading a newspaper article about a protest and being able to view the whole thing rather than a single photograph. Real 360° photographers can capture the protesters’ expressions, the size of the crowd, and the whole surroundings of course. So that the viewers can get a much better understanding of the incident.


These 360° cameras have created new possibilities for creatives to express themselves, tell a narrative, or enable them to take their viewers to various locations and provide them with unforgettable immersive experiences.

And we can only speculate about what the future will bring us in the 360° world.

Antonín Lipták Avatar

My name is Antonín Lipták and as a passionate 360° photographer and bespoke virtual tour creator, I help businesses with beautiful spaces to be more seen in a digital word.

Can I help Your business shine? Send me a email or InMail.

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