
Not sure if our services are for you?

We offer a trial 360° photoshoot on our first meeting totally for free.

So, if you like our 360° photos, we can continue the project with a virtual tour and If you don’t like them, you won’t pay a cent.


Interested about 360° photography or virtual tour creation? Yes?

Business Perspective: 5 reasons why Your business would love A Virtual Tour

As You may know, there are numerous reasons why businesses use professional virtual tours. Nevertheless, you and I do not have a whole day to discuss this topic. So, I’ll talk about virtual tours just from a business point of view. In other words, when your company should start thinking about getting a virtual tour because it can be monetary beneficial.

I created this short article with just 5 reasons, which in my mind seems like the most important.

These are the 5 reasons why Your business would love A Virtual Tour from a business perspective:

  • positive ROI (return on investment)
  • competitive advantage (better understanding of the place)
  • cost reduction (accessibility purposes)
  • marketing (interaction with visitors)
  • convenience (sales process)

Positive ROI

First on the list is obviously return on investment (ROI). As a business person, you know that if the investment doesn’t create more money or opportunity in the long run – it is probably a bad investment.

The same goes for any investment and investment in a virtual tour is not an exception. Unprofessionally made virtual tours can not just make you less money than you invested, but it can also lose you money. How? Well, if your sales process is dependent on a virtual tour, for example, if the booking can be done only inside a virtual tour and the virtual tour will not work properly, the business will lose money just by relying on a virtual tour.

With this example, I do not want to scare anyone thinking about getting a virtual tour for their business—no nothing like that. Just want to emphasize that creating a virtual tour is an investment and choosing the wrong virtual tour creator or agency can hurt the effectiveness of the virtual tour and of course its results.

PRO TIP: We recommend choosing carefully the professional virtual tour creator with numerous years of experience working in your field.

This article “5 important things to consider when choosing a virtual tour creator” can help you find a good creator, who can help your company achieve your business goals.

Spending some time finding a professional virtual tour creator is also important because a virtual tour can be an investment that can deliver results for a long period (even for years). Years? Yes, it is a digital product so it will not wear off and until you renovate your space, the virtual tour can be still active (online). 

Competitive advantage (Better Understanding the place)

Virtual tours can provide a visitor a better understanding of a location, as visitors can explore it in greater detail than they would be able to through traditional media (static photos).

This approach can provide your business a competitive advantage for some time (until your competitors will follow). This can be really beneficial if you are selling homogeneous products or services. A 360° view can offer an interesting way how to explore and interact with any space. 

Furthermore, your virtual tour creator can implement custom interactive elements into your virtual tour (bespoke virtual tour), so that your tour can offer more options to your customers (this approach can deepen the advantage and make your company stand out).

Cost reduction (Accessibility purposes)

Visiting a place can be sometimes really costly in terms of money and time. Virtual tours are more accessible than physical tours, as they are designed for every individual who has a access to smartphone, tablet, or computer. This can help to ensure that everyone has access to the same experiences.

Doing physical tours means paying also an agent to do the tour itself. So. in terms of business point of view, by creating a virtual tour your business can reduce labor expenditure, which can lead to higher ROI.

Marketing (Interaction with the visitor)

Virtual tours can be highly engaging and interactive, allowing people to explore a location in a way that is not possible through photos or videos alone. This can help to keep visitors engaged, which can be beneficial for businesses that are looking to increase website traffic or engagement.

Also, virtual tours can create a great first impression. Virtual experience can influence the feelings of the customer and create a stronger connection. This can be really beneficial for companies that have no other way how to let their customers (or clients) fall in love with their spaces (ex. real estate or tourism in general). 

Convenience (sales process)

Is showcasing the place in physical form important for your business? With virtual tours, people can explore a location from anywhere and at any time, without having to physically be there. This makes it much more convenient for individuals who may not be able to travel to a location, or who don’t have the time to visit in person. And that is why a lot of real estate agencies love virtual tours.

As they say, one photo can say more than 1,000 words, so that means that a 360° photo can say way more, because it can display way more information.” – Antonín Lipták

Besides that, it creates a transparency effect it also can answer millions of questions that your clients may have. By letting them explore your space with a virtual tour, you give them access to a lot of information.

So that they can answer their questions themselves and in the end make more informed decisions.


Although there are numerous more reasons why virtual tours are beneficial from a business perspective, these were the most important ones in my opinion.

Wait! … Did I miss some other reasons? Let me know if you agree with me on these 5 most important. Or if you would change some of them and add others.

Happy to discuss this. 🙂

Antonín Lipták
Antonín Lipták

My name is Antonín Lipták and as a passionate 360° photographer and bespoke virtual tour creator, I help businesses with beautiful spaces to be more seen in a digital world.

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